Rose Yak Milk Tea

This store was in an old town-style tourist district about 30 minutes out of the city. When I saw they used yak milk, I was very curious to try. It was also quite popular. We had picked the non-cream version but they accidentally gave us cream.

Store: Rose Yak Milk Tea
Location: Lijiang, China
Drink: Princess NaXi Yak Fresh Milk Tea

Placing: A low B. The tea itself was light, likely in part due to it being a rose tea. However, mixing in the cream gave the drink a richness that compensated for the lack of excitement from the tea. Yak milk did not taste much different from cow milk, and if I didn’t know it was yak milk, you could convince me it was cow milk. It had a bit more pungency I think.

Overall, a well-balanced drink which starred its creaminess over its tea.

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